主题 : S3C2440基于IAR5.4 移植UCOSII  使用JINLK调试问题 复制链接 | 浏览器收藏 | 打印
级别: 新手上路
UID: 37805
精华: 0
发帖: 14
金钱: 75 两
威望: 15 点
贡献值: 0 点
综合积分: 28 分
注册时间: 2011-02-16
最后登录: 2012-08-29
楼主  发表于: 2011-03-17 10:28

 S3C2440基于IAR5.4 移植UCOSII  使用JINLK调试问题

我使用IAR5.4平台 移植UCOS-II+UCGUI调试问题分析,需要移植代码的请加我QQ:270540273, 共同分析问题

1. LCD显示

1. 移植OS成功,在代码量小时各任务运行正常, 但出现调试警告:
Thu Mar 17 10:01:15 2011: The stack pointer for stack 'SVC_STACK' (currently 0x302A9380) is outside the stack range (0x30200000 to 0x30200200)

按警告我把'SVC_STACK' 加大无效果,

当我把UCGUI编译进去,程序运行不正常,从原因来看 在程序中各个CONST的指针数据初始化不正确,应该在系统运行的各变量与SVC_STACK堆栈区重合,把全局变量及常量指针数据覆盖了。造成程序不能正常运行;

现寻求解决办法?请高手指点,如何将系统运行的变量区域与各常量指针 与SVC_SATCK区域分隔开来?
;Filename: startup.s
;By zhnyang@21cn.com
;For S3C2410A(Run after Reset)
;Copyright Reserved

;Note: @Little Endian

; Watchdog Timer Definitions
WT_BASE       EQU     0x53000000      ;Watchdog Base Address
WTCON_OFS     EQU     0x00          
WTDAT_OFS     EQU     0x04
WTCNT_OFS     EQU     0x08

WTCON_Val     EQU     0x00007C18
WTDAT_Val     EQU     0x00007530
; Clock Management Definitions
CLK_BASE      EQU     0x4C000000      ;Clock Base Address
MPLLCON_OFS   EQU     0x04
UPLLCON_OFS   EQU     0x08
CLKCON_OFS    EQU     0x0C
CLKSLOW_OFS   EQU     0x10
CLKDIVN_OFS   EQU     0x14
CAMDIVN_OFS   EQU     0x18

MPLLCON_Val   EQU     0x0007F021   ;FCLK=7F021=405MHz  FCLK=7D011=532MHz
UPLLCON_Val   EQU     0x00038022   ;UCLK=48MHz
CLKCON_Val    EQU     0x0007FFF0
CLKSLOW_Val   EQU     0x00000004
CLKDIVN_Val   EQU     0x00000005   ;HCLK=FCLK/6= 88.66MHZ PCLK=HCLK/2=44.33MHZ
CAMDIVN_Val   EQU     0x00000000   ;CLKDIVN[2:1]=11 HCLK=FCLK/6
; Memory Controller Definitions
MC_BASE       EQU     0x48000000      ;Memory Controller Base Address

BWSCON_Val    EQU     0x22111110      ;32-bit data bus
BANKCON0_Val  EQU     0x00007FFC
BANKCON1_Val  EQU     0x00007FFC
BANKCON2_Val  EQU     0x00000700
BANKCON3_Val  EQU     0x00000700
BANKCON4_Val  EQU     0x00002E50
BANKCON5_Val  EQU     0x00002E50
BANKCON6_Val  EQU     0x00018005
BANKCON7_Val  EQU     0x00018005
REFRESH_Val   EQU     0x00A804F5
BANKSIZE_Val  EQU     0x000000B1      ;64MB
MRSRB6_Val    EQU     0x00000030
MRSRB7_Val    EQU     0x00000030
; Some ARM920T CPSR bit discriptions
ModeUSR     EQU     0x10
ModeFIQ     EQU     0x11
ModeIRQ     EQU     0x12
ModeSVC     EQU     0x13
ModeABT     EQU     0x17
ModeUND     EQU     0x1B
ModeSYS     EQU     0x1F

I_Bit       DEFINE     0x80    ;I=1,Disable IRQ
F_Bit       DEFINE     0x40    ;F=1,Disable FIQ

    MODULE      startup
    SECTION     .intvec:CODE:NOROOT(2)
    PUBLIC      __iar_program_start       ;Must use this label
__vectors:    ;0~0x3F, 16 Entries
    LDR       PC,=start_up                ;RESET    
    NOP                                   ;Undef
    NOP                                   ;SWI
    NOP                                   ;PAbt
    NOP                                   ;DAbt
    NOP                                   ;
    NOP                                   ;IRQ
    NOP                                   ;FIQ
start_up      DCD       __iar_program_start
    DS32      7
    SECTION     .text:CODE:NOROOT(2)
    IMPORT      main
;Memory Controller Configuration
MC_CFG      DCD     BWSCON_Val
            DCD     BANKCON0_Val
            DCD     BANKCON1_Val
            DCD     BANKCON2_Val
            DCD     BANKCON3_Val
            DCD     BANKCON4_Val
            DCD     BANKCON5_Val
            DCD     BANKCON6_Val
            DCD     BANKCON7_Val
            DCD     REFRESH_Val
            DCD     BANKSIZE_Val
            DCD     MRSRB6_Val
            DCD     MRSRB7_Val
;Clock Management Configuration
            DCD     CLKDIVN_Val
            DCD     MPLLCON_Val
            DCD     UPLLCON_Val
            DCD     CLKSLOW_Val
            DCD     CLKCON_Val
            DCD     CAMDIVN_Val
__iar_program_start:   ;Run after Power ON RESETog Timer                        
;Disable the Reset Function of Watchd
    LDR     R0,=WT_BASE
    LDR     R1,=WTCON_Val
    LDR     R2,=WTDAT_Val
    STR     R2,[R0,#WTCNT_OFS]
    STR     R2,[R0,#WTDAT_OFS]
    STR     R1,[R0,#WTCON_OFS]   ;0.1Hz(10s)
;Set CPU Clock(405MHz),PCLK=405/8MHz
    LDR     R0,=CLK_BASE
    ADR     R8,CLK_CFG
    LDMIA   R8,{R1-R7}
    STR     R1,[R0,#LOCKTIME_OFS]
    STR     R2,[R0,#CLKDIVN_OFS]
    STR     R3,[R0,#MPLLCON_OFS]
    STR     R4,[R0,#UPLLCON_OFS]      
    STR     R5,[R0,#CLKSLOW_OFS]
    STR     R6,[R0,#CLKCON_OFS]
    STR     R7,[R0,#CAMDIVN_OFS]
    MRC     p15,0,R0,c1,c0,0
    ORR     R0,R0,#0xC0000000
    MCR     p15,0,R0,c1,c0,0
;Config Memory(0x3000 0000, 32MB, Bank 6)
        ADR     R14,MC_CFG
        LDMIA   R14,{R0-R12}
        LDR     R14,=MC_BASE
        STMIA   R14,{R0-R12}
;Setup Stack for Each Mode        
;Enter Undefined Instruction Mode and set its Stack Pointer
        MSR     CPSR_c, #ModeUND | I_Bit | F_Bit
        LDR     SP,=SFE(UND_STACK)
;Enter Abort Mode and set its Stack Pointer
        MSR     CPSR_c, #ModeABT | I_Bit | F_Bit
        LDR     SP,=SFE(ABT_STACK)
;Enter FIQ Mode and set its Stack Pointer
        MSR     CPSR_c, #ModeFIQ | I_Bit | F_Bit
        LDR     SP,=SFE(FIQ_STACK)

;Enter IRQ Mode and set its Stack Pointer
        MSR     CPSR_c, #ModeIRQ | I_Bit | F_Bit
        LDR     SP,=SFE(IRQ_STACK)

;Enter Supervisor Mode and set its Stack Pointer
        MSR     CPSR_c, #ModeSVC | I_Bit | F_Bit
        LDR     SP,=SFE(SVC_STACK)
;Enter System Mode and set its Stack Pointer
;        MSR     CPSR_c, #modeSYS
;        LDR     SP,=SFE(CSTACK)
;Enter the C Code
    LDR   R0,=main
    BX    R0


/*###ICF### Section handled by ICF editor, don't touch! ****/
/*-Editor annotation file-*/
/* IcfEditorFile="$TOOLKIT_DIR$\config\ide\IcfEditor\a_v1_0.xml" */
define symbol __ICFEDIT_intvec_start__ = 0x30000000;
/*-Memory Regions-*/
define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_start__ = 0x30000000;
define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_end__   = 0x301FFFFF;
define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_start__ = 0x30200000;
define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_end__   = 0x32000000;

define symbol __ICFEDIT_size_cstack__   = 0x200;
define symbol __ICFEDIT_size_svcstack__ = 0x200;
define symbol __ICFEDIT_size_irqstack__ = 0x100;
define symbol __ICFEDIT_size_fiqstack__ = 0x200;
define symbol __ICFEDIT_size_undstack__ = 0x100;
define symbol __ICFEDIT_size_abtstack__ = 0x100;
define symbol __ICFEDIT_size_heap__     = 0x80000;
/**** End of ICF editor section. ###ICF###*/

define memory mem with size = 4G;
define region ROM_region   = mem:[from __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_start__   to __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_end__];
define region RAM_region   = mem:[from __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_start__   to __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_end__];

define block CSTACK    with alignment = 8, size = __ICFEDIT_size_cstack__   { };
define block SVC_STACK with alignment = 8, size = __ICFEDIT_size_svcstack__ { };
define block IRQ_STACK with alignment = 8, size = __ICFEDIT_size_irqstack__ { };
define block FIQ_STACK with alignment = 8, size = __ICFEDIT_size_fiqstack__ { };
define block UND_STACK with alignment = 8, size = __ICFEDIT_size_undstack__ { };
define block ABT_STACK with alignment = 8, size = __ICFEDIT_size_abtstack__ { };
define block HEAP      with alignment = 8, size = __ICFEDIT_size_heap__     { };

initialize by copy { readwrite };
do not initialize  { section .noinit };

place at address mem:__ICFEDIT_intvec_start__ { readonly section .intvec };

place in ROM_region   { readonly };
place in RAM_region   { readwrite,
                        block CSTACK, block SVC_STACK, block IRQ_STACK, block FIQ_STACK,
                        block UND_STACK, block ABT_STACK, block HEAP };

    __writeMemory32(0x00000000, 0x53000000, "Memory");     /*watchdog timer disable */

    __writeMemory32(0xffffffff, 0x4a000008, "Memory");    /* disable all interrupts */
    __writeMemory32(0x000007ff, 0x4a00001c, "Memory");    /* disable all sub-interrupts */
    __writeMemory32(0xffffffff, 0x4a000000, "Memory");    /* clear all source pending bits */
    __writeMemory32(0x000007ff, 0x4a000018, "Memory");    /* clear all sub-source pending bits */
    __writeMemory32(0xffffffff, 0x4a000010, "Memory");    /* clear interrupt pending bit */

    __writeMemory32(0x00000003, 0x4c000014, "Memory");    /* FCLK:HCLK:PCLK = 1:2:4*/
    __writeMemory32(0x00ffffff, 0x4c000000, "Memory");    /* PLL locktime counter =300US*/
    __writeMemory32(0x000ad022, 0x4c000004, "Memory");    /*   Fin=12MHz FCLK=PLLOUT=271.5MHZ*/

    __writeMemory32(0x22111110, 0x48000000, "Memory");    /* BWSCON */
    __writeMemory32(0x00007FFC, 0x48000004, "Memory");    /* BANKCON0 */
    __writeMemory32(0x00007FFC, 0x48000008, "Memory");    /* BANKCON1 */
    __writeMemory32(0x00000700, 0x4800000c, "Memory");    /* BANKCON2 */
    __writeMemory32(0x00000700, 0x48000010, "Memory");    /* BANKCON3 */
    __writeMemory32(0x00002E50, 0x48000014, "Memory");    /* BANKCON4 */
    __writeMemory32(0x00002E50, 0x48000018, "Memory");    /* BANKCON5 */
    __writeMemory32(0x00018009, 0x4800001c, "Memory");    /* BANKCON6 */
    __writeMemory32(0x00018009, 0x48000020, "Memory");    /* BANKCON7 */
    __writeMemory32(0x00A804E9, 0x48000024, "Memory");    /* REFRESH */
    __writeMemory32(0x000000b1, 0x48000028, "Memory");    /* BANKSIZE */
    __writeMemory32(0x00000030, 0x4800002c, "Memory");    /* MRSRB6 */
    __writeMemory32(0x00000030, 0x48000030, "Memory");    /* MRSRB7 */

    __message "Initializing SDRAM ...\n";
    __message "Initializing SDRAM ... Completed\n";
级别: 新手上路
UID: 37805
精华: 0
发帖: 14
金钱: 75 两
威望: 15 点
贡献值: 0 点
综合积分: 28 分
注册时间: 2011-02-16
最后登录: 2012-08-29
1楼  发表于: 2011-03-17 15:36
怎么没有人回复啊 急!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 比没盐还急啊!!!!!难道都去抢盐了?????????