主题 : UCGUI 触摸屏问题 请高手帮忙啊 ! 复制链接 | 浏览器收藏 | 打印
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UID: 48796
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注册时间: 2011-06-04
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楼主  发表于: 2011-07-04 10:46

 UCGUI 触摸屏问题 请高手帮忙啊 !

我现在在调2440的7寸触摸屏程序,调这个程序时:  GUI_MessageBox( "This text is shown\nin a message box","Caption/Titl",GUI_MESSAGEBOX_CF_MOVEABLE);按下OK键有反应,但是好像按键再等待抬起一样就停住了,请问这是怎么回事?还请教您的指导!底层驱动:

1 void GUI_TOUCH_Exec(void) {
2 #ifndef WIN32
3 static U8 ReadState;
4 static int xPhys, yPhys;
5 int x,y;
6 /* calculate Min / Max values */
7 if (xyMinMax[GUI_COORD_X].Min < xyMinMax[GUI_COORD_X].Max) {
8 xMin = xyMinMax[GUI_COORD_X].Min;
9 xMax = xyMinMax[GUI_COORD_X].Max;
10 } else {
11 xMax = xyMinMax[GUI_COORD_X].Min;
12 xMin = xyMinMax[GUI_COORD_X].Max;
13 }
14 if (xyMinMax[GUI_COORD_Y].Min < xyMinMax[GUI_COORD_Y].Max) {
15 yMin = xyMinMax[GUI_COORD_Y].Min;
16 yMax = xyMinMax[GUI_COORD_Y].Max;
17 } else {
18 yMax = xyMinMax[GUI_COORD_Y].Min;
19 yMin = xyMinMax[GUI_COORD_Y].Max;
20 }
21 /* Execute the state machine which reads the touch */
22 switch (ReadState) {
23 case 0:
24 yPhys = GUI_TOUCH_X_MeasureY();
25 // GUI_TOUCH_X_ActivateY(); /* Prepare X- measurement */
26 // ReadState++;
27 // break;
28 // default:
29 xPhys = GUI_TOUCH_X_MeasureX();
30 // GUI_TOUCH_X_ActivateX(); /* Prepare Y- measurement */
31 /* Convert values into logical values */
32 #if !GUI_TOUCH_SWAP_XY /* Is X/Y swapped ? */
33 x = xPhys;
34 y = yPhys;
35 #else
36 x = yPhys;
37 y = xPhys;
38 #endif
40 if ((x <xMin) | (x>xMax) | (y <yMin) | (y>yMax)) {
41 GUI_TOUCH_StoreState(-1,-1);
42 } else {
43 x = AD2X(x);
44 y = AD2Y(y);
45 GUI_TOUCH_StoreState(x,y);
46 }
47 /* Reset state machine */
48 // ReadState=0;
49 // break;
50 }
51 //Delay(100);
52 #endif /* WIN32 */
53 }