主题 : 2440 IIC_Test中断疑问 复制链接 | 浏览器收藏 | 打印
级别: 新手上路
UID: 53025
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注册时间: 2011-07-30
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楼主  发表于: 2011-07-30 16:11

 2440 IIC_Test中断疑问

我的问题是 在while(_iicDataCount!=-1);时等待中断函数处理,进入中断
        case WRDATA:
                rIICSTAT = 0xd0;                //Stop MasTx condition
                rIICCON  = 0xaf;                //Resumes IIC operation
                Delay(1);                       //Wait until stop condtion is in effect
                //The pending bit will not be set after issuing stop condition.
            rIICDS = _iicData[_iicPt++];        //_iicData[0] has dummy.
            for(i=0;i<10;i++);                  //for setup time until rising edge of IICSCL
            rIICCON = 0xaf;                     //resumes IIC operation.
        第一次_iicDataCount==2, 执行_iicDataCount--后_iicDataCount==1,然后执行rIICDS = _iicData[_iicPt++]; 及以后的语句, 完成写地址
        rIICSTAT = 0xd0;                
        rIICCON  = 0xaf;
        然后产生停止信号, 此时_iicDataCount==0,岂不是一直执行while(_iicDataCount!=-1)
        疑问就在这了,数据是什么时候写进去的, 唯一的解释就是又产生了一次中断_iicDataCount==-1,写数据到存储器,可是IIC不是已经产生终止了信号了,怎么又会写数据,请大家帮忙解释下

void Wr24C080(U32 slvAddr,U32 addr,U8 data)
    _iicMode      = WRDATA;          //IIC操作模式
    _iicPt        = 0;
    _iicData[0]   = (U8)addr;       //将目标地址写入缓冲区_iic_iicData[0]
    _iicData[1]   = data;           //将目标数据写入缓冲区_iic_iicData[1]
    _iicDataCount = 2;

    rIICDS   = slvAddr;                 //0xa0
    rIICSTAT = 0xf0;                    //MasTx,Start 主发送模式,写开始信号产生
    //Clearing the pending bit isn't needed because the pending bit has been cleared.

    _iicMode = POLLACK;

        rIICDS     = slvAddr;
        _iicStatus = 0x100;
        rIICSTAT   = 0xf0;              //MasTx,Start
        rIICCON    = 0xaf;              //Resumes IIC operation. 中断产生
            break;                      //When ACK is received
    rIICSTAT = 0xd0;                    //Stop MasTx condition
    rIICCON  = 0xaf;                    //Resumes IIC operation.
    Delay(1);                           //Wait until stop condtion is in effect.
    //Write is completed.

void __irq IicInt(void)
    U32 iicSt,i;

    rSRCPND = BIT_IIC;          //Clear pending bit
    iicSt   = rIICSTAT;
    if(iicSt & 0x8){}           //When bus arbitration is failed.
    if(iicSt & 0x4){}           //When a slave address is matched with IICADD
    if(iicSt & 0x2){}           //When a slave address is 0000000b
    if(iicSt & 0x1){}           //When ACK isn't received

        case POLLACK:
            _iicStatus = iicSt;

        case RDDATA:
                _iicData[_iicPt++] = rIICDS;
                rIICSTAT = 0x90;                 //Stop MasRx condition
                rIICCON  = 0xaf;                 //Resumes IIC operation.
                Delay(1);                        //Wait until stop condtion is in effect.
            _iicData[_iicPt++] = rIICDS;         //The last data has to be read with no ack.

                rIICCON = 0x2f;                  //Resumes IIC operation with NOACK.  
                rIICCON = 0xaf;                  //Resumes IIC operation with ACK

        case WRDATA:
                rIICSTAT = 0xd0;                //Stop MasTx condition 发送停止信号
                rIICCON  = 0xaf;                //Resumes IIC operation. 恢复IIC操作
                Delay(1);                       //Wait until stop condtion is in effect.起作用
                //The pending bit will not be set after issuing stop condition.
            rIICDS = _iicData[_iicPt++];        //_iicData[0] has dummy.
            for(i=0;i<10;i++);                  //for setup time until rising edge of IICSCL
            rIICCON = 0xaf;                     //resumes IIC operation.

        case SETRDADDR:
            break;                          //IIC operation is stopped because of IICCON[4]    
            rIICDS = _iicData[_iicPt++];
            for(i=0;i<10;i++);                  //For setup time until rising edge of IICSCL
            rIICCON = 0xaf;                     //Resumes IIC operation.
