主题 : [转载]27个QT视频,来自Qt Developer Days 2005, 2006, 2008 复制链接 | 浏览器收藏 | 打印
级别: 论坛版主
UID: 27
精华: 12
发帖: 5398
金钱: 40120 两
威望: 17929 点
贡献值: 71 点
综合积分: 11036 分
注册时间: 2008-01-16
最后登录: 2014-11-22
楼主  发表于: 2010-03-26 10:03

 [转载]27个QT视频,来自Qt Developer Days 2005, 2006, 2008

管理提醒: 本帖被 kasim 执行加亮操作(2010-03-26)

We put some extra effort into recovering and publishing old recordings from Qt Developer Days. Now I’m proud we did this and believe it was definitely worth it! There are many really valuable presentations given by Qt experts that cover many areas of Qt which are still valid today and will probably remain valid for a while.
Sooo… We have got 27 presentations online for you! These sum up to 22.5 hours of videos to enjoy:
  • All About Qt Widgets
  • Effective Graphics Programming
  • Practical Model/View Programming
  • Threaded Programming with Qt - Good Practise
  • Writing Custom Styles with QStyle
  • Writing plugin applications with Qt
  • Advanced Item Views
  • Application Development on Linux for Windows Developers
  • Deployment of Qt Applications
  • Emdedded Development for Desktop Developers
  • Qt in Depth
  • Qt Model-View-Controller Classes
  • Qt Style Sheets
  • The Graphics View Framework
  • The Power of Qt Model-View Delegates
  • Thread Support in Qt
  • Unit Testing in Qt Applications
  • Advanced Visualization - Widgets On Graphics View
  • Alien Widgets and Widget Rendering
  • Animation API
  • Beautiful and Blazing-Fast Graphics with Qt
  • Enhancing your Qt application with multiple threads
  • How Did You Do That? Tips and Tricks
  • Introducing Qt on Mac Cocoa
  • Multimedia Framework
  • Qt Network Access: Flexible and Powerful Access to Data on the Internet
  • QtWebKit: Qt and Web 2.0
You can get all of this here:http://qt.nokia.com/developer/learning/online/talks/archive
Let me post one them here, on the spot. It is a cool talk and is fun to watch too. I’m sure you will enjoy it! It is a nice story about the relationship between Qt, Carbon and Cocoa and how they got children:

Ah, one more thing! Before you ask where 2007 is… Unfortunately,  the layer of dust was much too thick on it and it did not make to the archive…
Happy Qt Learning!
"If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange apples, then you and I will
still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange
these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas."
级别: 侠客
UID: 13052
精华: 0
发帖: 71
金钱: 355 两
威望: 71 点
贡献值: 0 点
综合积分: 142 分
注册时间: 2010-01-18
最后登录: 2014-11-16
1楼  发表于: 2010-03-26 11:24

 回 楼主(kasim) 的帖子

级别: 新手上路
UID: 47094
精华: 0
发帖: 39
金钱: 195 两
威望: 39 点
贡献值: 0 点
综合积分: 78 分
注册时间: 2011-05-19
最后登录: 2015-08-11
2楼  发表于: 2011-12-04 16:37

 回 楼主(kasim) 的帖子

级别: 新手上路
UID: 40969
精华: 0
发帖: 14
金钱: 70 两
威望: 14 点
贡献值: 0 点
综合积分: 28 分
注册时间: 2011-03-24
最后登录: 2013-02-01
3楼  发表于: 2011-12-22 10:47
级别: 新手上路
UID: 102430
精华: 0
发帖: 4
金钱: 20 两
威望: 4 点
贡献值: 0 点
综合积分: 8 分
注册时间: 2014-03-31
最后登录: 2014-04-11
4楼  发表于: 2014-03-31 21:31
级别: 新手上路
UID: 102805
精华: 0
发帖: 25
金钱: 135 两
威望: 27 点
贡献值: 0 点
综合积分: 50 分
注册时间: 2014-04-11
最后登录: 2015-12-02
5楼  发表于: 2014-04-17 21:31
级别: 新手上路
UID: 104290
精华: 0
发帖: 25
金钱: 135 两
威望: 27 点
贡献值: 0 点
综合积分: 50 分
注册时间: 2014-05-20
最后登录: 2017-09-13
6楼  发表于: 2014-09-14 18:50