主题 : Voice Recognition software on FriendlyARM Mini2440 to open applications 复制链接 | 浏览器收藏 | 打印
Thanks for the Help  : Sandy
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楼主  发表于: 2013-09-13 00:30

 Voice Recognition software on FriendlyARM Mini2440 to open applications

Hi All,

I want to develop a VoiceCommand or Voice Recognition software on FriendlyARM Mini2440

i.e When i give command through voice  to open a application on Mini2440

for example "Open Calender"  the Calender application has to be opened,

Is it possible to develop it also want to include TTS simultaneously.

Please Provide Help in developing this application...like which opensource programs have to be used, how to compile etc...

please mail any suggestion to k.sundeep2007@gmail.com