主题 : mini 2440 烧写WinCE6.0时 USB连接断开 复制链接 | 浏览器收藏 | 打印
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UID: 111498
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楼主  发表于: 2014-12-28 16:21

 mini 2440 烧写WinCE6.0时 USB连接断开

刚开始学习 ,不知道那错。。。(win7 64位  使用SuperVivi-USB-Transfer-Tool软件和SecureCRT软件)
第一步:format the nand flash

第二步:download nboot for wince,用superViVi烧的时候出现something went wrong 显示如下:

## Version:
## Mini2440 connected.
## Opening C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\ARM 9\images\wince6\nboot_TD35.bin
## File Information:
## File Size        : 3340 (0MB)
## Start Addr       : 0x30000000
## End Addr         : 0x30000d0c
## Checksum        : 0xa073
## Got the info we need, now uploading data...
## Something went wrong...
SecureCRT 中显示如下:
Now, Downloading [ADDRESS:30000000h,TOTAL:3350]
Downloaded file at 0x30000000, size = 3340 bytes
Erase flash ok: start address = 0x0, size = 0x20000
Write to flash ok: start address = 0x0, size = 0xd0c

然后,我接着第三步:Download WinCE boot-logo
## Opening C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\ARM 9\images\wince6\bootlogo.bmp
## File Information:
## File Size        : 230456 (0MB)
## Start Addr       : 0x30000000
## End Addr         : 0x30038438
## Checksum        : 0x2aba
## Got the info we need, now uploading data...

## Done uploading.

SecureCRT 中显示如下:
Now, Downloading [ADDRESS:30000000h,TOTAL:230466]
RECEIVED FILE SIZE:  230466 (225KB/S, 1S)
Downloaded file at 0x30000000, size = 230456 bytes
Width, Height, BPP is 240 320 24
Erase flash ok: start address = 0x60000, size = 0x40000
Write to flash ok: start address = 0x60000, size = 0x25808

第四步: Download WinCE NK.bin   与USB失去连接,好像连USB下载驱动都给我卸
SecureCRT 中显示如下:
Clear the free memory
## Device disconnected.
